If a fire were to occur at one of your industrial sites, how much loss could you afford? With downtime, lost work, and lost revenue, even small fires can have damaging effects on manufacturing and distribution operations. Based on our extensive experience in providing life safety and fire protection engineering services for industrial projects, Fisher Engineering understands that the systems protecting your facilities from fire hazards are extremely important in mitigating loss.
Because no two industrial sites are exactly the same, the engineers at Fisher Engineering seek first to understand how your business and facilities operate. We look at people, processes, and equipment, and we take inventory of hazardous materials.
Our engineers have an in-depth knowledge of Factory Mutual and other international insurance guidelines. To ensure optimal results, our fire protection and life safety solutions are tailored to the way you do business.

Industrial facilities’ fire protection needs are based on many variables, such as structure type, materials stored, the location of those materials in the building, and the operations within the building. Fisher Engineering can help industrial clients make risk-informed decisions about the many active and passive fire protection and life safety options available that meet the complex needs of their facility, and to determine the impact on their budget.